In-Person DigNA Meeting: First Steps for the Common Strategic Plan

This Monday, partners from all nine DigNA projects gathered in Munich for their first in-person meeting to formulate the next steps for collaborative efforts and develop a common strategic plan.

The morning agenda included 3-minute presentations of project objectives and results, a keynote speech on the EPO landscape, and workshops – parallel sessions for each working group moderated by WG leads. During the parallel sessions, working group members brainstormed and discussed current activities and future goals, aiming to draft the initial structure of a Strategic Plan, which will be published as a public document. Project posters were then exhibited and presented during the flying lunch.

The afternoon session continued with workshops on the design of the portfolio roadmap. Participants defined joint activities, outlined the next steps, discussed current progress, and collaborated on the Strategic Plan. The WG leads then shared the outputs of the working groups with the audience, helping to solidify the moderated discussion and draft the portfolio roadmap design. The day ended with a final wrap-up by the Steering Committee and a dinner.

In-person events like this are necessary to accelerate the planning of joint activities and foster collaboration within the portfolio projects. More details about the outcomes of the portfolio meeting will be published soon. Stay tuned!